Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Catfish and Mandala

Hey Guys! I'm reading again because I'm on vacation and can't seem to allot myself any time to read when I have normal life. The book at the moment is "Catfish and Mandala" which I have a hard time putting down, by Andrew X. Pham. I suppose it awakens some of the "Everything is Illuminated" love I have in that it's a traveling journey that jumps around the timeline, retracing history and heritage (though this one is slightly more realistic). Also, it can be very SAD (but happy too)!

Dad recommended it, and it was good... reminded me I love books and can possibly read a chapter before falling asleep at night (how do you people read otherwise? I used to do it on the subway, but now I just walk across the street to school/work)! Not finished, but will be soon.

I have another book called "Maries Reise" (Marie's Trip) which Bene gave me for my birhday, but I've only read a little before starting 'Catfish' and I think the german factor might make it less interesting for this page. Still, it's another travel story by a young author so... yay!

Fyi, Isabelle's favorite readings at the moment are blogs of trendy Mormon mothers. They do seem cool (though I told her to please not have 8 kids).

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Where is Everyone?

I'm sorry that this blog seems to have fallen asleep lately!

I'm planning on reading Sizwe's Test by jonny Steinberg this week and will let you know how it goes!