Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day Lovelies!

A fitting question for today, I think...

What is your favorite love story?
Romeo & Juliet, Sense & Sensibility? Or do you prefer no ampersands, like Bridget Jones's Diary? Or how about Wuthering Heights? (which I still need to read!!) It's actually a quite difficult question, but for today I will give a shout out to Pride and Prejudice. Hello, Mr. Darcy!

Also, do you find it as interesting as I do that Penguin decided to make most of their beautiful cloth bound books, that you can find at Anthropologie among other places, by Jane Austen? They obviously know their readership. And yes, I want all of them.


mere said...

OOOH I love those covers!! I agree totally and, like you, have not yet read Wuthering Heights despite the fact that it is been on my night stand for 6 months. I guess osmosis doesn't work on I will have to vote for Pride and Prejudice since, after all, Bridget is a modern interpretation.

iselby said...

They are so lovely :)

Peddie said...

What... I'm the only one who's read "Wuthering Heights"?!?!? Woohoo! Sad book though - I'll probably vote Pride&Prejudice since I think I'ver read it... I love PErsuasion though and would vote Jane Eyre if it were available.

Hmm... we really like to blur our lines here, don't we?
Btw - Anthropologie has a bridal line now... YAY! In so and so many years when I actually get married, maybe I can get a dress from the original year it opened so that it will be soooo cool AND cheaper!

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

First of all..I thought you HAD to read Wuthering Heights. I think I've probably written more papers on WH than any other book I've ever read. Although, maybe I just read it for fun in high school. I always think of it as a 19th centure throw-back Gothic novel. But, like Claire, I would definitely vote for Jane Eyre. It's my favorite book of the Bronte women -- I think I need to read it again in fact.

My favorite 19th Century novel is probably Silas Marner though. I loved little Eppie!

I've always loved Jane Austen so much that her books go beyond "time" classifications...wait, what was this blog post about? Name your favorite 19th Century writer????