Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Heavens to Betsy!  Has no one read a book since March?  I simply can't believe that's true.  It was summer!  Surely there was much summer reading.  Dancealot read a bunch of books for school including The Omnivore's Dilemma, How to Read Like a Writer, The Great Gatsby (for fun) and The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag (sequel to Alan Bradley's Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie).  I'm going to read that last one myself as soon as I finish A Discovery of Witches which was supposed to be my summer read-by-the-pool book.  For some reason I only had 50 pages worth of by-the-pool reading so now it's my read on the stationary bike book.

As to me, I finished off the second Game of Thrones Book (audio), The Family Fang (audio), The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet (audio),  The Rules of Civility (audio), I am the Messenger (again) and I'm just finishing up the very last Outlander Book -- An Echo in the Bone.  As soon as that's over, I'm going to listen to Gone Girl. 

I've also read almost the entire Sookie Stackhouse series over the summer.  Do I really want to admit that publicly?  I'm not ever planning to run be President of the either the US or a college so I guess you can't hold it against me.  They're quite addictive plus I can get them all on my iPad from the library (for free!!) which I can read in the dark, in bed, as I am falling asleep. 

Miss you all!!


Peddie said...

oooohh.... I really want to read all the Sookie Stackhouses for free. I also never want to be President, so I will very openly admit that!

I'm still on second Game of Thrones. I keep starting it, getting it to it, and then something happens where I start listening to music (like, same album over and over again... FUN! literally... the band "fun.") so...

I actually want to find the book "what is the what" which Capers recommended.

Yeah, I may have not read an actual book since March. Maybe from last year, if we're talking reading. (and not including Paleo or Sherlock Holmeseses which I read at the beginning of the year. Dear me...

iselby said...

You're right.. we've been bad.

I read a lot! The Girl Giant (really good), Where She Went (good), The Care and Handling of Roses (good), um... I know I read more will have to think. Or make a post.

Peddie said...

(I might read more if I got PAID to do it!!! teehee... jk.)