Friday, February 13, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic

This might just be for Isabelle following her thoughts/rants on books made into, I love the Shopaholic Books which I have on my iPod and listen to frequently because they're so funny. The movie's coming out today and I read the review in the paper and I'm appalled. The main character from the books -- Becky from Oxshot, England who later lives in trendy Fulham, is now Becca from Manhattan. What?!?!? and her "Mr. Darcy" is now her boss. Wrong wrong wrong. At least seeing the movie before you read the books won't spoil anything for you. I think the movie should be qualified as "very loosely based on the Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella.

P.S. I will be going to see the movie. Isla Fischer is so cute and despite not having a British accent she'll probably be a great Becky (I mean Becca) Bloomwood. I might have to send an email to Jerry Bruckheimer though to complain. And, the movie reviewer called the shopaholic books Bridget Jones lite! Hmmph...Becky Bloomwood is loads more fun than Bridget (not that I don't like Bridget).


isabug said...

Haha, doesn't Isla Fisher have an accent in real life? Is the book based in Britain or NYC? I'm confused- AS I SHOULD BE seeing how they made another fake book movie. Geez louise. I'm glad that I can add on to your rant Auntie G, even though I haven't read the books yet!

And I have to admit... I LOVE Bridget Jones... (the movies)

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Hee hee...the "real" Rebecca Bloomwood is British and the first book is in England but she goes to Manhattan in the second book. Isla Fisher is Australian, I think, so she probably does have an accent but not in the movie.

Will and I watched Dances with Wolves last night, speaking of movies. I hadn't seen it in years and it was just as good and sad as I remembered. Oooh..which reminds me have your ever read 1,000 White Women? That is such a good book! I'd blog about it but I think everybody on the blog might have read it already.

isabug said...

I've never read it (or heard of it). Blog it!

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

We went to see the movie last weekend. Mary Rollins and I loved it and we'll probably have to add it to our chick flick collection on DVD. It was very different from the book. It was as if they took Becky Bloomwood's basic character, random funny isolated incidents and personalities from the book and slapped them into a semi-familiar plot in a different country. It was cute, Isla Fisher was adorable and it wasn't like reading the books at all which made it fun and won't ruin the plot of the books if you read them later. Loosely based on the shopaholic series would be the key words.

Peddie said...

Why did I think it was Amy Adams?

Peddie said...

I also haven't read a lot of books... even classics (though Bronte's are in the bag).

isabug said...

They look alike. I thought it was Amy Adams at first also.

Peddie said...

I saw that movie on the plane and, while I think Isla Fischer would have made a great Becky... the Becca was really just ok. Especially that dancing scene (I don't think Becky would have done that). Also, I can't stop thinking that Luke was "Prince Char(mant)" from 'Ella Enchanted' the entire time.

Still, it was fun, however loosly slapped together it was.

Also, Tarkkie was waaaaaaaaay too cute. Am I right here?