Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Into Jon Krakauer...

I think I have a problem. I've become addicted to Jon Krakauer's books. I have no idea why. I listened to Into Thin Air this spring and am listening to Into the Wild currently on my iPod while I run. I plan to read Under the Banner of Heaven sometime soon because I've been so captivated by these other books.

I'm pretending that I like him because as a boy-mom I want to understand the adventurous boy psyche but really...I just think he's cool.

Please note, I do not plan to start reading Jack London...


isabug said...

Claire is really into Jon Krakauer too, and I pretend to know all about him (to seem cool) when really all I know is that Claire liked his books... I'm glad you all are legit in your love of Krakauer!

Mere said...

He IS kool!

Peddie said...

What? I just posted about that as a possibly not great recommendation for MR because I was worried that it wasn't cool enough... I am happy though that Isabelle remembered! Yay Krakauer - and yes, he IS cool. (I do need to read "Into the Wild" though... I only really read "Into Thin Air"... but I think a few times atleast.

Gwennie said...

I have Into the Wild as an audiobook. And, the man Jon himself reads Into Thin Air. Both I listened to while running which gave me plenty of inspiration as I had plenty of body fat and oxygen to keep me going.

Have you read Three Cups of Tea? Jon Krakauer's mentioned in it as well.

Peddie said...

Do you have all of these? Are they things I could listen do doing last minute Jewelry show stuff while in Lex (cough cough) instead of HP6 for the millionth time?

Gwennie said...

I do have all of these. How do we sync them on your iPod as I have them as digital files from Audible? Didn't we try to do that once before? I have many other good audio books as well (including Girl with a Dragon Tattoo and Three Junes <3 ) that I have purchased with the justification that I don't have a gym membership.