Monday, December 7, 2009

Die 13 1/2 Leben des Käpt'n Blaubär

Lookie here! I'm posting!

So, I realize this book may not necessarily be readable for everybody on the list... but it is also available
AUF ENGLISCH! I think I can safely assume that it is also very good (and more understandable... for myself as well, probably) and could probably be likened to something of a Roahl Dahl (Moers is also a cartoonist and writer of adult humor books) readability. There's a lot of vivid imagination food and even pictures to help along! I reeeeeally like it and want everyone to read it... much like Harry Potter. All I want to do is read this book and the cool world Blaubär is in. I also relate in the fact that I am also a bär.

Plus... he's so cute! He's found as a baby in a walnut shell from dwarf pirates! Come on!


Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Just out of curiousity, if I were going to read this book in English what would it be called. My high school German is severly out of practice (although I'm hoping to brush up next year when Fraulein Dancelot starts taking German).

I'm reading (okay listening) to Angela's Ashes right now. Mere said she didn't like it but I think she should have listened to it and she might feel differently. I really like it and the late Frank McCourt reads it with his lilting Irish accent. Underneath all of the horrible, sad tragedy of his hungry Irish childhood there's such beauty and humor. I'm of the thought that all of the children I know should read this just to realize how rich and full of love their lives are!

iselby said...

I really need to read that book, but I was a bit discouraged after mom gave it such a horrible review. I think we publish it so I may have to wander around the building looking for it today...

I think the title of Claire's recommendation is "The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain BlueBear"... The image doesn't seem to be working. I'm going to see if I can fix it.

Peddie said...

Click my link "auf englisch"!!! I put the amazon page for english there. And fraulein dancelot is going to take german??!!!! I am so happy!

I think I need to read Angela's ashes too... though I kind of want to reread those vampire books as well. Hmm. I need to realize a little more how rich and full of love my life is, perhaps (though I'm pretty good!)

Peddie said...

btw, have either of you ordered this book? Otherwise I might and just bring it (I want to give it to Will if it looks ok... there are a few things I need to proofread in english first... still, I think it's still within upper harry potter level).

Peddie said...

ahh... did you fix my page so that I have the english cover picture? I think you did... the german one is better, but I understand if it iddn't work.

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Thanks! I couldn't remember what Leben was. I was thinking loves but that would be lieben, right? I have nicht ordered it.

Fraulein Dancelot is abandoning Francais for Deutsch next jahr. Her French experience has not been to her satisfaction although I think her accent's pretty good. Sadly, a good accent does not make up for the inability to conjugate verbs. Frankly, I can't figure out why they don't conjugate verbs more. I loved doing that. Of course, I loved diagramming sentences as well.

Auntie G. (which stands for Geek, today, I think).

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Won't it only take about 15 minutes to reread those vampire books?

We re-watched the first Twilight movie last weekend and I couldn't stop laughing.

Peddie said...

Now I must laugh so hard!!!!!!!!!! Yay! I hope that I might be able to help MR with more than the accent... though I can't promise!

mere said...

Hey, I am back now that Claire has posted this blogsite at the top of my page where it is easy to click on. I know I'm not winning any prizes...C'mon Gwen, those vampire books are 15 min EACH, not for all 4!

iselby said...

I wish I was found as a baby in a walnut shell!