Monday, June 14, 2010

First of all...

I love the new blog design! Hooray for Isabug and her impressive graphic talents!

Second of all, when are you all coming to Lexington. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is playing at the Kentucky Theater and I have no one to go see it with...please please please??? Mere??? What are you doing besides playing Penguin Wars? Plus you can bring some artwork up to the galleries. It's only like three months until the World Equestrian Games.

Second of all (hee hee, that was in honor of Grandma Pop), has Peddie read Neil Gaimon's Nevermore? I'm trying to decide if it's credit-worthy on Audible and we love the movie Stardust so much. I'm also open to any other suggestions since we seem to all be sharing the same account now. My only caveat is that it would be nice if it were Dancealot appropriate (i.e. no Diana Gabaldon or that Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife that Mere had me listen to last year!!). MR needs a good summer listen. She just finished The Book Thief for the fourth time. You all need to listen to that.
Oh, and the picture is just your little cuzzies saying "hi". Can you believe we've lived in Lakeside for almost 8 years and no one in our family had ever climbed up on that wall before? We were walking past it on the way to the grocery the other night and were suddenly overcome with the urge to climb to the top. I stayed below to take the picture.


isabug said...

Aw, I love that you all are little New Yorkers living in Lexington and walk to the grocery store!

I also love the seating position of MR and Will - totally fits their personalities. Love the little cuzzies!!

mere said...

Little Cayden was here over the weekend and was so cute! he kept calling John, "Cousin John".
I WANT to go to Lex!!!

iselby said...

Can you post photos of the littlest cuzzies visit? I want to see them!

Gwennie said...

Then come visit Mere!!! We think that next week only MR and I are going to be home. M's going to Texas and Will's going to spend some time with Mathews' cuzzies at the lakehouse.

my word is "pakey" as in pale and shakey????

iselby said...

I do have every other Friday of now... who wants to buy me a plane ticket?!

Peddie said...

Haha - I wanted to say that MR is totally striking her dancelot a reste (or something like that)... AND YES! Mere, get those pics of the little cuzzies up!!!

In answer to the actual book part of this post, however, here is my response:

I'm pretty sure it's ok, though I would not completely trust my opinion since I read it approximately 3 years ago in German (Bene actually lent it to me... "Niemalsland"). I forget at what age you get to start reading the tearjerker books about death and racism, etc, in school and stuff. I know you said she was going to read "1000 Splendid Suns" which I feel like is a much harder book anyway.

This book has a little bit of sex (though it's no 'Outlander'...) and the entire trip through the London Underground is mostly like a bunch of the worst that happens in Harry Potter, so I think she would be fine with that (murders, crazy monsters, battles of wit).

"American Gods" is one of my favorite books by him, and is something for a little later in highschool, or possibly college. I remember Lorin offered it to a conservative guy friend and he couldn't get past the second chapter, but I thought it was very interesting (deals with a lot of American folklore, Native American and Immigrant alike).

If you really want, I can reread it (been meaning to) but want to finish the Alchemist first, auf Deutsch ;)

mere said...

I have Dad's The Alchemist on CDs

Gwennie said...

Can I borrow those from you? I've been wanting to listen to that for a couple of years.

Peddie said...

Mom, make dad bring all books on a hard drive (after confirming that all discs are in it for each book too... somehow I missed some with narnia I think, and one HP (2?) ends after the first two thirds.

I would also like to than re-hear the Alchemist as well.

mere said...

You better ask John as Dad is very busy and that will take a lot of time which John apparently has!

Peddie said...

As far as I would know, John never checks his email...

iselby said...

You should send him a message on Facebook. He responds to that usually.

Gwennie said...

I went ahead and got Neverwhere (not Nevermore, silly me) on Audible. Mary Rollins is listening to House Rules right now by Jodi Picoult which a friend of mine recommended. She says it's really good. I'll see if I can get her to post!

Peddie said...

ah cool. Let me know how it is... who reads it? Neil himself?

Peddie said...

Hehe... while searching for a book thief post, thought I'd click on the comments. Heehee. Dancelot appropriate is not Diana Gabaldron. I just like that rating.

Also, in retrospect, I think MR can listen/read any Gaimen. She's probably at the point where there is nothing left to really screen....... or is she? (please? Is she still a little girl?)

Honestly, getting through "A thousand splended suns" probably gets you over that border I guess.