Sunday, June 6, 2010


... or "How ______ always shows up in the nick of time!" (more or less...)

So - to try and be objective, this is an interesting mix of beautiful Scotland, time-travel, history, violence, lust (this is NOT for MR), and love. I also think there were some interesting introspection on faith (though there was more at the end of the book, which is of course the last thing I heard... ahh... I'm afraid to say anything to give anything away, but...)... but "objective" charades aside...

This book is so long! OMG. And there are MORE OF THEM. While I did enjoy listening to it, it is probably the longest audiobook I've EVER heard and it could have ended a million times and when it finally did, I was like... what? Now? Ok... Now I have, of course, seen that there are sequels (Auntie G? Have you read them?)... when did Madam Gabaldon ever have time to look anything up (or date, for that matter)? Truth be told, I was relieved when it was over. I would recommend this if you have a LOT of time on your hand and are feel like something that might look like this:

but better, with history ;) And possibly the Loch Ness Monster.


Peddie said...

PS: type in "romance novel" to google images, you get a lot of funny covers that people made up new titles for...

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Claire! I'm so glad you posted about Outlander. The only audiobooks that I think might be longer are the Order of the Phoenix and those Clan of the Cave Bear books that Grandpa liked!

I have the next two. I read the next one, Dragonfly in Amber...also very long...and I have the third one Voyager but I haven't started that one yet. You get a lot of bang for your buck out of those books! A. They last forver. B. like you said, it's all kinds of genres wrapped up in one.

BTW, I started the Girl with the Burning Hornet Tatto series over again before I started reading the new last one.

Peddie said...

Definitely true. I'm glad you're ok with my post too, since you gave it to me (I was worried afterwards that I went a little Randall-psycho with my description... (ok, that's not really true)) ;D You certainly do get some bang for that buck. I somehow don't feel like HP was ever as long as this though. Maybe because I was always beading...

Btw, can we make sure that Isabug has those Nest in Fire books on a hard drive when she visits me? I am in dire need of them!

Frica... the continent in another billion years, when the 'A' breaks off?

mere said...

As a matter of fact, I posed for that cover....hahaha

Peddie said...

Oh you mere.... haha ;)

And Auntie G... I definitely want more. As much as I was relieved to have it finally end, I can't stand knowing that it goes on without me knowing what happens! Arg!

I think I'm going to listen to "Into the Wild" next for a little switch up.

Gwennie said...

I'm on break between the second one, Dragonfly in Amber and the next one, Voyager. Did you know there's like 6 of them???

Gwennie said...

Did you all notice I changed my Gwennie profile picture? It's my photo that Mere took in homage to Becky Bloomwood. I think we might actually need to go to the Guggenheim and not just the store on the next visit!

iselby said...

Gwennie at Guggenheim!

I think we need to brighten it up a bit... :)

mere said...

We should hit some more museum gift shops! (and sample sales)

mere said...

I really don't know what books you are talking about by the way. I'm confused.

Gwennie said...

Outlander. It's the first really long book in a series about a time-travelling English woman from the 1940s who ends up in 18th Century Scotland. It's a cliffhanging historical eipc with lots of steamy romance that begs to be made fun of them and yet addictive.

Peddie said...

Perfect sum-up, Auntie G. Applause!

Peddie said...

Oh, and I love the Gwennie pic (though I agree... could be brighter) as the vacation version of GWM!

and... 6? Really? I, once again, sincerely doubt this woman has a life.

Gwennie said...

Maybe she pays other people to write them for her.. Doesn't James Michener do that?

Peddie said...

Is that a literary joke or truth? I did just Wiki him though, and now have "I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair..." stuck in my head!

Btw, I am also totally into John Krakauer. It's bringing back memories of my youth when I did countless reports and research papers on Mt. Everest... those would be interesting to find...

mere said...

That was a good report Peddie and I liked that book and movie. Michener did hire people later on in his career and you can tell by the length of the books....I had to quit reading them as they were just history with some characters thrown in. Too happy? just read POLAND

Gwennie said...

A couple of thoughts, maybe the outlander books are best audiobooks because there are so many things you can do while reading them...fold laundry, pull weeds, run a 10k. I don't think I have the patience any more to read a book that long. Not to mention how tired my fingers get from turning those pages.

Second thought, Jon Krakauer rocks. Climbs them too. I have this International Book Project fantasy that we get him interested in the organization. He's a supporter of Greg Mortenson's -- Three Cups of Tea author-- Central Asia Institute. We sent books with them last year.

Peddie said...

Heehee... climbs them too.

Yeah, my friends are all constantly amazed how many books I go through a MONTH (which recently is a number that battles number of books I would read in a year over the past two years).

Btw Mere - not sure what movie/book you were referring to there. Which was it? Cause I still haven't seen "Into the Wild" yet...

I also did not understand G's comment with the international book project... is that with ky schools or something?

Gwennie said...

Claire, how do you not know about The International Book Project???