Tuesday, October 26, 2010

E. M. Forster Inquiry

This is a different post. Kind of like Peddie's random one below.

Instead of reviewing a book I'm reading/have read - I would like to ask if any of you have ever read E.M. Forster and more specifically Where Angels Fear to Tread. I just picked it up off the shelf and am wondering if I should even start it. Has anybody read it or do any of you like E.M. Forster's writing? I'm pretty sure that Claire read A Room With a View, but maybe I'm mistaken. Help!

Apparently it's a movie, too! With Helena Bonham Carter, and oh, I do like her.

Because knitting and audiobooks go hand in hand in winter...

Look what I found!

PS: Anybody else love with Tracy corrects grammar on 30 Rock? I do.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I soooo don't have time to write this blog post but we haven't had any lately so it seems important.  I really should be working on a bunch of church volunteer stuff and some listing paperwork for an appoitnment tomorrow.  But here goes...

The Hunger Games (it's on Audible!). Just finished it this morning.  Got it for Will and Mary Rollins as it was on the summer recommended reading for a couple of the high schools in town.  Of course always wanting to be in on the latest that smart kids are reading today, I wanted it too.  I wholeheartedly recommend it.  Great story...what is it about books with a great story being labelled as "juvenile fiction"?  Sorry, have I ranted on that before?  But seriously, really a great stretch of imagination and character development in the post-apocolyptic US.  Normally, I'm not much of a fan of after-the-war/natural disaster genre of fiction but this book was almost timeless in its exploration of human nature and a fast-paced story.  Like the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo books transcending the crime genre, this book transcends science fiction. 

Confession...I had to break down and listen to it while not running because I wanted to know what happened next and I just couldn't run that much! I think that's my new adult equivalent of  reading under the covers with a flashlight.

On a scale of 1 to 10 with Twilight being a 1 and Harry Potter being a 10, I give it a 7.75.

Back to work.  Love you all!!!