Tuesday, November 16, 2010

House Rules

I just finished reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult.. in 2 days. Which I think lets you know immediately that it's one of those page-turner books that are especially good during the dog days of summer. I'll also preface this by saying that I've always steered clear of Jodi Picoult because her name is so big on the book cover. I mean look at that -->
Bigger than the title! Although I have read the Shopaholic books...

However, I also realize that her huge name means that a lot of people like her writing. I think I'm just a book snob. So, this was lying on the free shelf at work and since MR and Gwennie were listening to it I decided I would give it a go. 2 days later = Done. I have to admit that I really like Jodi Picoult's writing style! It's something that I never thought I would embrace and/or say. The plot moved at the right speed, the characters were well developed (each have their own chapters), and it was somewhat believable. Sure, there were a few issues that could have been resolved more quickly than they actually were, but I'm not going to give examples in case anybody else reads it.

Back to the case of each character having their own chapter/voice - Picoult knocked it out of the park. It really seemed believable and they were obviously well thought out. I also learned a lot more about Asperger's and I appreciated the "Discussion with the Author" at the end where she talks about her research with Asperger's, which included having all of Jacbob's chapters checked over by a girl with Asperger's.

I would recommend it to anyone for a long plane ride, summer beach read or holiday break. Lovely.

Next up for me: Sarah's Key!


Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

I'm so sorry I haven't commented! I was away from the computer most of the weekend and didn't realize that we had new posts!

Isabug, I love your comment that Jodi Picoult's name was bigger than the book title. I'm definitely a book snob, too, because it makes me feel like I'm reading a brand...an then i start to question if an author actually writes all of his or her own work if they are so prolific that they get their name so huge.

I also think she's a good writer and excels at characther development. Mere gave me My Sister's Keeper to read a couple of years ago and I liked it as well. Did I return that BTW?

I don't think the audiobook had the author's note at the end. I wish it had. Funny, too, MR and I "read" it at the same time this summer. She went through it much more quickly than I did. She literally couldn't stop reading it and I had many (extra) long, really pleasant runs that I didn't want to end because I was enjoying the book so much. The dramatisation was quite good with different actors playing the different narrators.

Peddie said...

I must admit, I started House Rules (though not that long ago) but have put it on pause about three chapters in because I'm in Harry Potter mode. I do like it so far though, and I have to say that her being a big name (in general and on the book) was definitely a reason to be wary for me. I also have "My sister's keeper" (I think Isabelle sent it with Cheno's autobiography so that she wouldn't be sending just one book ;) but have held back on it as well. Maybe I'll read it on the plane home though.

Also, in addition to liking Sophie Kinsella, I have a hidden love of that Janet Evanovich lady-bounty-hunter series... so I guess I shouldn't be toooo choosy...

Peddie said...

Also, ps: these are the kind of books dakota fanning stars in I guess, like "the secret life of bees" (even though Ihaven't seen "sister's keeper") which for some reason just takes out something for me. Bees was an ok movie... but it lacked so much that the book had. Sigh.


Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

And, I am ashamedly (is that really a word?) reading/listening to the third book of the Outlander series. What is wrong with me?!?! I just love it and it's going to be 26 freaking hours long. I swore this one would be my last but am now wondering if I won't just go ahead and listen to the fourth book.

P.S. I bought the new Lauren Hillenbrand (Seabiscuit) book, Unbroken, on Audible yesterday. I promise I'll get the other Krakauer book too.

Peddie said...

Yeah.... I thought about mentioning Outlander... Hehe. Atleast we're varied in our tastes! Everything in small measures? I also recently realized that I haven't read as much Jane Austen as I give myself credit for. I'm also audible'd up for the moment, I think... though I go through phases where I listen a lot. I do have some knitting to do...

iselby said...

Somebody mentioned the Krakauer book to me again this weekend and I am now even more intrigued! Let me know when you get it :)

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Isabug, did you ever download Under the Banner of Heaven?

iselby said...

No... I thought I had but it turned out that it hadn't downloaded. I need to try again...

Peddie said...

Ok, I finished "House Rules"... finally!!! It took me a little while, but I finally tapped back into it and of course got really intrigued! I finished some I put some fingers on some open hand glove things Hannah knit me last christmas (with the tips free so I can do things like knit in the cold! and yes - I can knit fingers now, I guess!) in record time. Btw, I need a new knitting project now that David's getting his prezzie! Please let me know if they fit, ISabug!

But back to the book... with out saying too much, my review kinda mirrors ISabelle... after being a little...wary (?)... I did get into it and liked the way she wrote. There were some cheesy lines and some somewhat unbelievable circumstances, but that was more on a personal level for me. I ultimately liked it and liked the way it put you into the shoes of someone with Asperger's. I remember ISabelle telling me about a report she saw or read where a mother had got her kid to type what they felt since writing took too long, and they could more easily transcribe their feelings of how they think of things so fast that it's too much and the head shaking begins, for instance. Anyway, it was good to feel like there were things to recognize.

Also - the author's note was at the beginning for us Audible listeners, right?

PS: I still only have posting and not poll rights!