Thursday, November 11, 2010

Gleek Out


Can we take a quick recess and talk about this week's Glee for a moment?

Was anybody else as impressed by Darren Criss on Glee? And Teenage Dream - loved it! I actually watched it 3 times on hulu. Obsessed much?

Another favorite moment, when Rachel (who is surprisingly not a major character for the past few episodes) yells "SPIES"! I laughed out loud.

I would also like to see less of Santana. I don't know why they focus on her expressions so much. They're always the same... ??

Did anybody else watch it? Did you all like this episode as much as I did?


Peddie said...

Now that I have googled/you tubed A VERY POTTER MUSICAL I am for sure a Darren Criss fan!

DEAR READERS, if you love WIZARD PEOPLE, which you probably do if you're here, you will greatly enjoy this (though possibly not the sound quality).

Back to Glee though... closet homophobia omg. My neighbor, Paola (Ecuardorians are awesome) and I watched it and screamed... and laughed and cried and used lots "omg" type phrases.

Also, Isabelle and I must be related. We keep doing stuff at the same time. More on that later.

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

I watched it but I need to re-watch. I kept getting interrupted by grandparent phone calls and people going in and out and ballerina's getting home late and needing dinner. Clearly, my Glee time is not respected.

Speaking of which did anybody watch The Office last night??? It was the Glee episode! And, how funny is it that they are watching another network show on NBC.

I loved the Warblers!! They reminded me of Andy Bernard from The Office!

iselby said...

I did watch the Office last night! We finally discovered that there was a cable next to the TV that if plugged in (surprise surprise) meant we could get all the free channels without using our antenna. Genius! It only took us 1.5 years to figure it out!

So, yes, we watched the Office and I kept saying "David, it's Glee! David, it's Glee!" throughout the whole episode. Very exciting...

I also watched a great PBS special on the Circus. I recommend it. I also recommend listening to Teenage Dream by the Warblers 100x.

Peddie said...

Hehe... It's amazing how much glee has made me take back saying that I hated certain songs/musicians (Katy perry, lady gaga, nelly...). I love teenage dream now, though I've yet to hear it so many times as the bug, fo sho.

And totally funny on the cable! Hah!

Btw, I think this episode was definitely the best in a while and I have to say that I don't really mind rachel not being such a big character even though I really loved her first season. And Finns so... Meh. And what eve r happened to Mercedes nd Quinn being bffs? I do like Artie and puck being buds tho, as they are my fav guys besides Kurt.

I'm also so excited about next week!!! Did you guys see who will be sliding through the doors to guest star???

Ps: I also like it that Shu wasn't so focused on himself this ep. Like santanas expressions, it gets repetitive.
Pps: peeps need to respect yo glee times, auntie G!
Ppps: anybody check the very potter musical? I thunk I'm going to buy that soundtrack. Darren criss is ridiculously talented, methinks.

Peddie said...

SPIES!!! I think I wasn't looking the first time I watched it! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!

Peddie said...

Anybody else get all teary for THIS week's episode (Furt)? I did like... lots of times.