Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Broadway Nights: A Romp of Life, Love and Musical Theater by Seth Rudetsky

Sooo...I was waiting for Mary Rollins to make this post because she finished the book first and patiently waited while I SLOWLY finished listening because I only permit myself to listen to new audiobooks while running (or pulling weeds).

Where to begin...quite possibly this is the most fun book I've listened to in ages, quite possibly EVER!  And, as Claire said previously, I think it has to be listened to as I just can't imagine that reading it could be nearly as much fun as listening to this fantastically read book.  There's lots of great little bits of dialogue with REAL Broadway actors, like Kristen, Jonathan Groff (Jesse St. James from Glee), Andy Karl (he was our Fyero in Wicked on Broadway --MR caught that one as she loved him when we saw him in April!) but the real star is author Seth Rudetsky who narrates the story (actually log...diaries are for girls) of Stephen Sheerin , Broadway pianist (please don't pronounce that pee-ann-ist) wthose therapist Monikah (who may or may not have a dog named Skippy and be on the Atkins diet) thinks he should keep track of his life to better understand why after all these years he's still just a sub and not the Broadway conductor he aspires to be.  I think, really, that's all you need to know for now.  But suffice it to say, you will laugh...unless you're really really judgemental.  It's sassy.

This book was like fuel to the fire for our love of all things Broadway and hero worship of Kristen Chenoweth (Kristen, if you're reading this Mary Rollins is the cute teen-age girl who handed you the scribbled note on the piece of the playbill at the stage door after the Saturday matinee of Promises, Promises on the day you also got Reese Pieces.  Remember??  We're not stalking you, really.  That Twitter...Oy vey).

Okay, so how'd I do Peddie?


mere said...

Should I just download this to my ipod or iphone before the drive to Lexington?

iselby said...

Sounds like it from these girls' raves.

Gwennie said...

Yes!!!! You'll want it. It's cheap which is sort of funny based on cimments in the first chapter. We will be making lots of inside joke references to it throughout the whole vacation! Think Harry P. and Becky! Isabug should put it on her phone and listen on the plane.

Peddie said...

YES YES YES! How soon are you guys getting together?!?!? I WANT TO BE THERE WITH YOU!!!!

And you did FANTASTICO on the post!

"The dog just knocked your grapefruit half onto the floor."
"Ahh! my dinner!"

Peddie said...

I should stop quoting so that I won't spoil it. I'm actually listening to "Bitter and Sweet" now, though it's difficult while working with Rhino since I have to concentrate on stupid computer commands sometimes.

iselby said...

Ok, I'm logging into Audible.. now.

mere said...

Me too! I'm downloading it now. Say, I switch up to a new iphone, can I copy everything on my old phone to new one?

mere said...

Okay, I just downloaded it! Exciting! Also, should I download the Glee Albums?

mere said...

My phone has never worked well since it's elephant bath

Peddie said...

I would ask your lovely son in law about the iphone stuff. He is in the know... and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Glee albums (and have sort of just come into them, so it's good if maybe we do support them sometimes by payment... should I even be posting this? )... ok, I don't think Lea Michele is really hurting for cash though.

What was I saying? Yes. Aside from brief stints with the live albums of Guster and Barenaked Ladies (or "BNL" as Disney called them when they did the Chicken Little soundtrack ;) I ONLY listen to Glee while sporting nowadays.

...except for when other people are controlling it (spinning/classes)... then it's hearing-harmingly loud techno. You do ride fast though...

captcha: thpvgula! What is that? Come on... yesterday I actually got brain on camp selby!

iselby said...

Yes, you can definitely move everything from one phone to another. That's where your iTunes account comes into play. Do you update your phone frequently by plugging it into iTunes and syncing? They can probably help you at the store to figure it all out.

mere said...

Yay!!! I'm progressing one baby step at a time

Peddie said...

So... is mom on the Seth Rudetsky addiction now? Btw, I read his extended bio on his website. Seems like he definitely knows what he's talking about!

mere said...

Yes, I am on the bandwagon now.

Peddie said...

YAY!!!!!! Did he accompany you to Lexington?