Friday, September 3, 2010

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet

Hello my dearest darlings! I have just finished the lovely book Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet (audio of course). Mostly how I feel about this book is just plain sweet. Not too sweet like Nutella on a s'more where you can only eat so much, but just the right sweet, like Nutella on a graham cracker (we are almost out of Nutella and going to Costco Monday for emergency restocking).
It was a beautiful read-listen story of first loves, last loves and all the love that's in between, plus jazz, World War 2 and the Japanese internment. What a wonderful tale about the resiliency of the human heart. Methinks, you too, will love it.


Jamie Ford said...

Hi G,

Thanks for the review, much appreciated. So glad you enjoyed it. I have a craving for Nutella...



iselby said...

What a great post and comment. I'll have to get a copy of this book.

And some nutella!

Gwennie said...

Thanks for the comments Jamie and Isabug and my sincerest apologies for neglecting to put the author's name in the original post!

And...Mary Rollins, my 14-year old finished the book this morning. She gave it 5 stars and mentioned liking it way better than Great Expectations which she's reading for Freshman English. PLUS, she thinks I'm the coolest mom in the world (at least for the moment).

We, at, hereby vote you our new favorite author!

Still out of Nutella though. Costco is closed on Labor Day!

mere said...

I listened to this whilst painting horses in my studio-on-the-roof. I really enjoyed it! Our friend Alan Matsumoto's parents were forced to leave CA for an internment camp, on a train with blackened windows....

Peddie said...

I am also listening and loving! What's possibly even cooler though... is that the Dad is as well! How do I, living in Deutschland, know that? I started describing it to him (over skype) and he started to tell me the title and then revealed that it's on radio reader lately when he drives to work!

...and Jamie, props for beating out Dickens! Maybe you should be on the school reading list?

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Peddie, what's a "props"? I know it's something good but just curious about its derivation.

Peddie said...

Well, according to

"Slang term for "accolades", "proper respect", or "just dues". Popularized in the 1980s by rappers who shortened the term "propers" which was in turn being used as an abbreviated version of "proper respect" at least by the 1960s. The increase in this term's usage during the late 1980s and early 1990s coincided with an increasing fascination with the mafia within rap circles. Both communities have traditionally placed great emphasis on the importance of earning and giving respect.
My four-year-old son is the king of Chutes and Ladders, but punk neighbor kids won't give him his props."