Thursday, September 9, 2010

Library Science

Hi All,

This is not so much a book review as a forum starting question. I am thinking about pursuing a Master in Library Science (MLS) at Queens College. Because I trust all of your opinions so much... can I get some feedback?

This is kind of book related.. you know. I would hopefully specialize in some form of children's literature.

Ok- have at it!

Best wishes,


Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

You must provide more details. What interests you about Library Science? What do you see as the benefit of said degree?

iselby said...

I've had too many ideas rolling around in my head lately. I would like to get a Masters sometime soon and when narrowing it down I decided on Library Science, Publishing and some form of Arts Management/Administration. They all sound good but I keep coming back to Library Science. I like research, preservation and libraries, in general, and getting to work all day and using these skills for something other than mindless internet searching is very appealing to me. I would love to actually use my brain at work.

Also it seems like a good/safe field to go into, lots of places that I could work, lots of research that I could do and in children's you get to develop programs for reading, which I would love to do. I can also use Library Science degree and stay in Publishing working somewhere like Scholastic or a Children's division.

I'm still mulling it over in my mind, but right now it sounds great!

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

You have sold me. I've always kind of had in the back of my mind that an MLS would have been a good route to go had I not pursued my masters in higher ed administration. I think it sounds like a really good option for you based on your interests. Interestingly, I have a past client/friend from the Bronx who has her MLS and her husband is a music professor at Transy. I could friend you all on FB if you wanted to talk to her. She went to college in the NE (maybe Mount Holyoke?). She actually had a law degree and then decided to get her MLS.

iselby said...

Higher Ed Administration sounds good too :) I love the college atmosphere. I need to stop looking at degree programs. I want to do them ALL. Seriously.

What's a girl like me to do?

And talking with your friend would be amazing if we can work that out. I would need to think up some good questions first... getting to it!

Peddie said...

Ok, I'm glad Gwennie asked first, because I wasn't too sure what exactly you were asking here... you make a convincing argument though, and I agree that it is good to have a master's, especially when it is far reaching in terms of following jobs. Could you still work while doing it, or would you have to quit your current book job?

iselby said...

I would keep my jog. Take two classes per semester. Finish up after 2 years.

iselby said...

Oops - JOB.

Gwennie said...

First of all, I think you should keep your job and go jogging!

And a girl like you sounds a lot like a girl like me. Maybe you should go ahead and become a Realtor? Although I do like to think having my master's degree makes me sound much more impressive. I'm a big fan of pursuing educational opportunities that keep the most options open and keep you in environments that you like. I LOVED being on a college campus (especially when Peddie was on that campus :-)) plus I really always thought that I wanted to write but needed some alternative route with which to support myself.

Oddly, my least favorite job has probably been being a development/grant writer when I actually WROTE for a living. It sort of sucked all the creative juices out of me. I'm much happier writing what I like to blog posts!! Now if only someone would pay to write those...

So go for library science, I say!!! Carpe Diem!

Peddie said...

Do it. And keep jogging too. I think this is a good lifeplan with all three things ;)

iselby said...

I need to work on the jogging part..

Half of my application is finished!

mere said...

My old bff Beth Fisher has her masters in Library Science and it has served her very well. Do you want to call her? I'm sure she would love to talk to you. She wanted me to escape to Maine with her this summer but as you know things were too busy going elsewhere.