Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Harry Potter Part II

Dearest Readers,

While Harry Potter Movie 7, Part 2 (not movie 8) is not a book, I would like to nonetheless open up a place for comments. Feel free to edit in (or newly post) any more exciting pictures of movie theater goings. 

For the record, nobody where I was dressed up and I missed the first two minutes because I had been so excited about the USA WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM WINNING and then realized I could still make a show and not go to bed too late for work the next day. I rode my broomstick (er bike) as fast as I could and even got a center seat, two thirds up the rows (PERFECT!)... because I was alone. Potter Solidarity!


Peddie said...

btw, there were some clappings, some shrieks, etc... I love seeing a film first night it's out, even if the cinema/kino is a little small. I also didn't see it in 3D, and that was fine, but I could tell that some things had been made specifically with that in mind... I'll elaborate later when everyone's seen.

I also think that several things were REALLY well adapted, for not being the same as the book. Hee.

I was also sitting next to two women who were american and had not read the book. "Is he looking for the toilet girl?" Yeah. I can't wait to hear everybody else's opinion! I'll probably see it with Michi when she's well enough to sit for that long, and then I'll catch the first couple minutes and learn the marvelous translations they've made :::cough:::

mere said...

John and I are going tonight! Can't wait! Perhaps I can be Mrs. Weasley if I plump up!

iselby said...

Robyn and I are going tonight and I'll be sure to snap some pictures! Hopefully I'll be awake for work tomorrow.. .

Peddie said...

I await all these things from all of you!!!!!!

mere said...
