Sunday, January 4, 2009

Because we all need another "Twilight" post...

Just for the record... I, my mother, and my sister have read/are reading THE BOOKS. It got downright ugly with mom and I, as we were competitively reading the same books at the same time (ie, "You drive so I can read. When we get to the store, I'll go in and you can stay in the car with the book!"). Sometimes we also hid them so that the other would not steal them away when using the exercise bike, etc. We also all loved the movie (mostly the landscapes... we're big Pacific Northwest junkies)... even Isabelle, non movie lover extraordinaire, said she would like to see it again.

I also (as commented) just read "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and my, do I love Fitzgerald. I read "Tender is the Night" last year and was once again surprised by joy... I mean, good writing. I also empathize with Isabelle's long movie thoughts.

Finally, I'm currently reading "Why French Women Don't Get Fat" which seems to be short, full of recipes, and funny. It's actually biographical with the recipes interlaced... something of a happy giggling longshot from "Like Water for Chocolate."

Kite Runner thoughts: I remember liking it a lot but it making me very sad. I thought the movie was equally sad, and not too bad for a movie adaptation from a good book.

1 comment:

Susan D said...

Please see my comments for the above post, as in my happiness to see other bloggers, I posted on the wrong comment.

