Monday, January 5, 2009

Not a Twilight Post...Ann Patchett, instead

Okay maybe it is a Twilight post...I had to share the books with Mary Rollins so I know what you mean about competitive reading. She took them to school and to ballet in case she had time to read so I couldn't read it in between.

I'm in the midst of the Magician's Assistant by Ann Patchett. I loved Bel Canto which I read a few years back and this is the first book of hers I've read since then. She's not "plot" exciting to read but I do love her use of words and the visual images in her books. She's so kind and gentle to her characters too. Anyway, it's been a lovely book!

Also, I'm almost finished with Eat Pray Love. Granted, I've been reading it literally for months now but it's great and my delayed completion is a reflection of my lack of reading time rather than the engaging nature of the book. Actually, it's been a great pick-up and back-down book because the book is divided into three parts, each made up of 30+ small chapters each of which is its own entertaining vignette about the author's search for good food, God, and inner peace...three of my favorite things!

Have I mentioned that I'm also reading Treasure Island? Arrggghhhhh....makes everyday seem like a great day to talk like a pirate.

So...has anybody read Water for Elephants? Beth, you read that right? Was it great? Would I love it? I need a new book for my iPod to listen to while I was running and was thinking about getting that. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. It has to be something engaging enough to take my mind off running but not too intellectual because I'm not that smart when I run...


Susan D said...

I am ashamed to admit that I have not read "Like Water for Chocolate" but only saw the movie...twice b/c I loved it. It was so artistic that I have to wonder if the book can possibly be better? "The Kite Runner" was good, but it was depressing. "A Thousand Splendid Suns" was just as depressing, but with a slightly happier ending (in my opinion) and also from a woman's point of view, so obviously, easier to understand.

isabug said...

I want to know how "Water for Elephants" is too. Somebody read it and let us know how it is!