Saturday, January 2, 2010

Resolution Books

I always think January is a great time to start a devotional reading for the year. Here are three books I've used in the past and would highly recommend from three of my favorite writers. Bread for the Journey by Henri J. M. Nouwen. Glimpses of Grace by Madeleine L'Engle, and May I Have This Dance by Joyce Rupp.

The first two by Nouwen and L'Engle have a daily passage pulled from one of their many wonderful writings. Chances are you've probably read something from both of them. The third book by Joyce Rupp is done on a calendar cycle of themes for each month. Each month begins with a poem, a reading and suggestions for meditation, prayer or journaling, creative art for the month as well as a daily scripture passage. I love Joyce Rupp. You will love her too.

1 comment:

iselby said...

Nice suggestions! I'll have to check these out.. thanks Auntie!