Saturday, January 23, 2010

"What I'm Reading Now"

This is our Book Club's February selection and I must say that it is a compelling book of an amazing friendship between a homeless, uneducated black man and a white upscale art dealer. It is a true one could make this up. Each chapter is written in first person by either Denver Moore or Ron Hall, the authors and above described individuals. I have only read a third of the book thus far, but Mark Clayman, executive producer for "The Pursuit of Happyness" describes it as "a powerful example of the healing, restorative power of forgiveness and the transformational, life changing power of unconditional love."


Peddie said...

Way to go, postin' Mama! btw, were you always in bookclub, or did you just recently get back into it? I also like the idea of this book... will have to pick it up. Btw, are you reading all these on your kindle, or did you keep the real life books?

mere said...

This club is part of MUWC that has been going on a while, but I joined for the first time this year. I had already bought the complete year's selections (used from Amazon) before getting my Kindle (!) but now I can lend them out. Thanks for the support!

iselby said...

good post mom!!!! and you did the picture too!!!

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Ditto that all of the above on the Congratulations schwester! Hooray!!

That book does look good. Who did the book selections for your club? I would like to have that job...

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Unconditional love is the best. That's why I believe in God...and have dogs.

Peddie said...

Are you quoting something... or are you just that deep?

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Just that deep....

mere said...

Sweet!! The first book meeting of the year (September) is devoted to people making a pitch for the book they want and then we vote, and vote again, etc...until there are only 11. My book Pied Piper by Nevil Shute won! There were about 24 we weaned down from...

Peddie said...

Amaaaaaaaaazing. And mom, I'm sure that author is very good and smart, but he sounds like a harry potter character ;)