Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Book vs. Book-to-Movie

I think Auntie G's comment deserves a post of it's own:

Can you think of any book-to-movies that you prefer over the original book?

I've thought long and hard and so far all I have is Twilight and Bridget Jones's Diary. It seems to me that if a book is a real classic and well written it's hard to make a movie that will compare.

On the other side of the spectrum I can think of almost a billion books that I prefer over their movie counterparts. Let's not even get that list started...


Anonymous said...

I agree with Bridget and must add Twilight (not New Moon), but those books aren't well written so this falls into your category. Maybe we should include Benjamin Button, haha
btw I can't get John's name off here

John said...

the above was Mere

Peddie said...

Haha... was that actually John then?

I can't actually vouch for the book, but "Stardust" is written by one of my favorite (and few) fantasy writers, Neil Gaiman. I haven't actually read it, but Lorin (who has good classic taste) has and didn't like it much at all. She loved the movie though, and I love it too.

I also want to say "Jurassic Park" but I can't remember if I've read it or not...

Peddie said...

Another more of a side-note... I did like the movie "Everything is Illuminated" despite it not being that good, and not being anywhere near as good as the book, which is my favorite modern day novel. Hmm.

iselby said...

Claire, you like Neil Gaiman? You should do a post on him. One of David's friends lent me one of this books but I haven't finished it yet.... and it's been a while. You are cooler now for liking him though.

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Just thought of Devil Wears Prada. We watch that movie all the time! Book was good but I LOVE that movie!!!!

Peddie said...

Ohhh, which book? I like his Sandman series... which is also really pretty because he works with cool comics artists and artists in general. Thanks for thinking I'm cooler, which is not a surprise to anyone but yout ;) I KID!

Btw, I also thought of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' today. Also not sure that beats the book, but SUCH a good film, which also stays true.

iselby said...

Devil Wears Prada was a good movie.. I think I'm more likely to go for chick flick books-to-movies.

mere said...

I think Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak was about equal. Both were good, the movie had better music (haha) and I didn't completely understand either one.

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

The Truman Capote comment made me think about Breakfast at Tiffany's. I've never read the book but I love love love that movie. Which I know you all do too and so does Mary Rollins!!!

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

I love Stardust. And Princess Bride.

Peddie said...

Where is the Trueman Capote comment??? And yes... these movies are all great ;) I also agree that Doctor Zhivago had better music than the book, though I never read it... ;)

Gwennie said...

Sorry. There was no Truman capote comment. It was the reference to To Kill a Mockingbird. That book always makes me think of Capote....

Hmmmm....if you give a pig a pancake....

Peddie said...

heehee... which makes me think of giving a mouse a cookie... which makes me think of David รถ)

iselby said...

Well - weren't Capote and Lee BFFs? Like, totally?

Auntie G, I will send you our Capote book coming out soon even though you may/may not want it. HA!

Gwennie said...

Lee and Capote were absolutely BFFs!!

You all are like my BFFLs, xoxoxo

Peddie said...

Bffls... buffalonis? ;) <3