Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Cheese Monkeys, by Chip Kidd

Isabelle proudly gave me this book I think two Christmases ago ("I actually spent money on it!") and told me about how this guy is such a good graphic designer and now he wrote a book. I spent a lot of time perusing just the cover with all it's tiny words written on the edges, and deciphering what was written on the edges of the book when it's closed. I finally read it within the past 7 days (and I think I'm being generous... I read it fast) and can recommend it as a crazy college thinking humerous in-between book. Don't get me wrong, it requires READING, but it's kinda broken up. I'd love to hear Auntie G's take on it.

I will also add that at the same time (during the past 7 days, not literal same time... that would be hard) I have been listening to "A Thousand Splendid Suns"... most of which was last night whilst making necklace models out of silver spray-painted paper, thread, glue, and corks! But I digress... the book: wow. I feel like you've all probably read it already, but what a story. I'm going to have to agree that the female Afghan perspective hits a little harder.

And I finished "Rumo" but that was right before Katie got here (who is MY favorite cousin right now)!


iselby said...

Ooooh! Cousins better get on it if they want to be #1 again!!

But.. I'm still your favorite sister, right? I mean.. see how quickly I made a comment?

I haven't read a Thousand Splendid Suns.. I'm about to do this Audible thing though :)

iselby said...

Is starting to listen to books on tape a mark of my graduation into Williamson Womanhood?

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Mary Rollins says, "what!?!?!?!?" to the favorite cousin comment.

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

P.S. I want to read that book just for the title.

Gwennie said...

P.p.s. Please post a picture of the necklace. It sounds so cool!!!

iselby said...

Yes, post a picture of the necklace! Your ClaireWare fans wants to see it.

Peddie said...

Ok... where do I post them though? And necklaceS! Heehee... MR is also a favorite cousin ;) Oh, these titles can be fickle, yes.

I think calling audibles "books on tape" is definitely a Williamson thing, to say the least. But also.. yes, Isabelle. Welcome.

Also, you are still my favorite sister. Way to keep hold of that record! It's definitely due to the speedy comments ;)

Auntie Buffaloni, I can lend you those cheese monkeys if you need ;)

Peddie said...

PS: For "Thousand Splendid Suns" I really did enjoy it thoroughly... but did anybody else not really like the reader? I think she got too quite and doesn't enunciate at the correct times.

No Jim Dale, to say the least. Hermione!!!

Gwennie said...

MR is reading 1000 splendid suns now. Can you believe she's 14. FOURTEEN!!!!!! Aaaahhhhhh. I think she's old enough for that book.

I don't remember not liking that narrator. Roslyn Landor gets on my nerves though. Especially reading Sophie Kinsella books and super especially when she read shopaholic and baby and called Suze "Suzie". I mean What's all that about???

Peddie said...

Wow... the same age as Lila... (I have no idea how it's actually spelled... I just heard it).

I also remember liking the Becky voice, but she stressed me out a lot. I also haven't heard "and a baby" yet, but I do dislike that she called Suze anything other than Suze.

mere said...

I'm back I'm back!! Go back a couple of posts to read my comments, to Dragon Tattoo. You all are so funny! I want to get Audibles..btw I do NOT suggest reading any of Claire's deep thinking books or "haha it's so funny" books written in German whilst riding an exercise bike.

iselby said...

Who called Suze whaa?

Peddie said...

Merita... have you been reading Kapt'n Blaubaer???

Peddie said...

And what other "deep thinker" books have you read from me?

Incidentally, I'm not sure if you'd like Cheese Monkeys, Mere. Also, I think now I'm ok with MR reading 1000 Suns as long as she doesn't listen to OUTLANDER! Ye gads! It gets a little hard to concentrate in the workshop there...