Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Art of Racing in the Rain

I lied in my last comment on Angela's Ashes. I forgot that I also read The Art of Racing in the Rain. And, I forgot to mention that I really really liked it. Oh. I lied again, I actually listened to it on my iPod and so did Mary Rollins. Audiobook or not, this was a book I would have liked in either format -- read-to-me or read-it-to-myself.

I think you all would like this book for the primary reason that it's a story told by a dog and I know how we all feel about dogs! The narrator-dog, Enzo, is a deeper and more philosophical dog than your average Gus/Howie/Cleo. He's spent a good bit of time watching television and thinking about things in addition to his next meal, the beach and walks, he practices unconditional love and believes that he has some terrier in him. His insights into both dog and human nature are brilliant and the telling of his family story is bittersweet and lovely. I won't ruin that for you by summarizing in case you decide to read it. However, I'm looking at Howie and Cleo at this very minute asleep on the blue couch in the computer room and wondering how they would tell the story of the Mathews' family.


Peddie said...

Haha... I would love to hear their story. And I'm intrigued! I can't wait to figure out how to deauthorize my other laptop (if that's even the problem)!!!

Btw, I just noticed that the background books are actually books with blurred out titles.. and they are so pretty and colorful! That clever, designery S&S girl...

PS: I hope you are all having LOTS of fun WITHOUT me... with is said with jealous overtones, but truthfully meant... <3

iselby said...

I sense a new Christmas card coming on...

Gwennie said...

You'll have to come to Lex to get this one. It's not an audible unfortunately...

Peddie said...

Ok, question because it seems like you guys would know... "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" is now out theaters (no, I didn't just watch all the "now playing" trailers that weren't horror movies on imdb... btw, Isabug - are you and David going to see "The Other Guys"? It looks funny)

...and there are a ton of books by different authors on amazon so the question is..... do I use too many ellipses? No, the question is..... is there a famous book or had I just heard hype about the movie before or what?

Gwennie said...

Wasn't there a Disney cartoon with Mickey Mouse?

Peddie said...

...besides that ;) I did love it though (freaky as it was).

mere said...

I can't hear any of that music without thinking of dancing hippos or mops going upstairs. Rather frightening to young children. I think they were on hallucinogens..

mere said...

I mean the writers, not the children. hahaha

Peddie said...

Hahahhaaa... oh mere. I remember Isabelle saying that the imax additions were also terrifying...

...because of the whales.

mere said...

True. Gus says that he is working on his memoirs right now! To include yesterday coming back from the beach in the back of the Fire dept's red pickup. Sorry I don't have a pic. (I was with him)

Peddie said...

What?!?! What happened?!?!?!

mere said...

The numbskull twisted his cast in a 180 and couldn't walk. Sat down on beach and wouldn't budge so I had to call the police. He just got home from spending weekend at vet's and has new cast. So HAPPY to see us! He tried to say "Mommy"!!

Peddie said...

That poor (dumb) baby!!! And he tried to say "mommy" just like that other little dog? "I want my mommy!"

SNAP! ISabelle - that's why I was saying it!!!!!!!!

but yes - is he allowed to go out at all now?

mere said...

Only on a leash, no running or to the beach. He is living in his 'Cone of Shame'and not too happy about it

Peddie said...

Haha... I bet he's over his happiness at coming back home. Do you even take him to the beach, or just street walks?