Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

It has been quiet! I hope everybody comes back! I FINALLY finished Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert at an open house Sunday was really quiet -- the open house, not the book and I would have preferred to sell the house but I did enjoy the few quiet moments to read. I might pick up another one of her books sometime and she's having a sequel come out to EPL sometime this year and supposedly she has a true story account about a guy who up and left the real world to live off the earth somewhere in Appalachia -- sounds a bit like Into the Wild.

What I'm currently reading/listening to is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larson and translated from the Swedish. I wanted to read it in Swedish but what with not speaking Swedish the English translation seemed the better choice. It's quite different from anything I've read in a while. It's a nicely written mystery about a decades old disappearance of the great-neice of a Swedish industry tycoon. So far the plot's quite twisty in a great way and it's been fun trying to keep up with the Swedish names. I think it would be easier if I were reading it in paper to keep up with the names but the audiobook narrator's really good and the book's well written as well.

I meant to start Everything is Illuminated again when I finished Eat Love Pray, but I've gotten caught up in Sashenka during the ice storm which seems appropriate as what I've read of it so far is all set in 1916 St. Petersburg with people wearing fur coats.


isabug said...

I've been thinking of picking up a copy of THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO. It seems to be everywhere I look! Thanks for writing on it. I actually had no idea what it was about.

Glad to hear that it's good reading material!

Gwennie said...

Sashenka's good too! I got it from your suitcase full of books when you were here for xmas. I'll give it back to you next time I see you.

Bridesmaids lunch...Old village post house in Mt. Pleasant. Right?

isabug said...

Sounds good to me! Let's chat via email or phone some time!

You can keep Sashenka. Those were gifts, even though they were free :) I love giving books away. Makes me feel like I am cleaning up my desk at work. I tend to hoard them.

Peddie said...

Awwww... bridesmaids lunch! I am almost finished with Dragon Tattoo also! I too would have preferred to read it in Swedish, but oh well, and I've amazingly been able to keep up with names for the most part (atleast after the first half).