Friday, March 12, 2010

Dragon Tattoo

I'm going to review a book that has already been reviewed twice. Both times by Auntie G. You can refer back to her posts here:

January 5, 2009
September 7, 2009

Anyway, I finally got around to reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and I share the same sentiments as Auntie G. To quote her post on January 5th "Great plots, engaging characters and lots of Swedish names and locals." In fact, one of my favorite things about the book is that it takes place in Sweden. Seems so exotic... you can also tell that the writer, Stieg Larsson, has a lot to say about politics there. In fact, I am not afraid to admit that I have skimmed over a few parts.

I'm not much of a crime-reader but I do like this one and can't wait to read the next!

Hm, I don't know why my book has the cover shown above, but it does. I was really hoping for the neat green/yellow one. In fact, if you would like to see more of this designer's excellent work click here.


mere said...

Okay I have to read this next since I speak to my new Swedish friends everyday in Penguin Wars. They taught me 2 phrases: Gut Morgon (good morning) and Hej da (goodnight) One of them, Arch Enemy, will soon be in NYC Isabug, so watch out!

iselby said...

I finished it!

I still think it was good, kind of what I was expecting and there is definitely an emphasis on violence against women in Sweden. That's all I'll say.

Gwennie said...

That's kind of what I thought aboutit. I mean, there's no getting around the fact that it's a crime novel. I'm not a big fan of that type of book by any stretch and I sort of shut off my head at gruesome descriptions but sans those I really liked the character development and thought it was so interesting! I liked the next one too.

Now that I think about it, that's what I thought about the Mistress of the Art of Death. Did Peddie ever listen to that?

Peddie said...

Oooh... me like the art. And I did listen to the "Mistress of the Art of Death" which seemed to always have those blush-worthy scenes happen anytime a cute boy came up to talk to me in class. I actually LAST NIGHT finally put all my (ie, Auntie G's) audiobooks on BadBear and remembered that I have the sequel to mistress, and was also considering this book as my next hearing fun because I remembered seeing the post about it.

I think I will first listen to the sequel (something with a serpent?) since 'mistress' is (somewhat) fresh in my mind, and then go to dragon tattoo. Yes?

Gwennie said...

I think that's a good plan Peddie! Also, look at my audible account because I have several more books you should download including Sarah's Key, The Help, and the first three books of The Outlander series (terribly addictive in a make lots of jewelry and run many miles kind of way).

Peddie said...

Think I got the Outlanders already... also, I noticed that the Book Thief chapter titles seem to have a lot of Deutsch words in them... coinkydink?

Aren't you and mom only halfway about Sarah;s Key? Am I thinking of another book? or is it historically important/interesting enough?

mere said...

only historically...just read halfway then quit

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Mere's right...if you listen to it and then just quit about 30 minutes from the end it's perfect. It's pretty interesting historically but Dancealot would recommend the Book Thief for a better Holocaust/WWW II fix. I haven't finished it but what I have listened to is fantastic.

Peddie said...

Hey guys! Almost finished with Dragon Tattoo! I also just commented on those other posts... hehe. I agree with a lot said about these books though, and as much as these and the "Mistress of the Art of Death" books seem to be a little racy sometimes, they still are real page turners (or "get annoyed at people who smile at you and start talking while your headphones are OBVIOUSLY still in your ears and you have not pressed 'pause' yet!!!)...

I asked a teacher of mine if he knew of them and he said he loved the trilogy, as did Simon (my pal who sits next to me). Herr Koch (teacher) then said the movies are on exception where he thinks they might be better than the book, also because some of the "more unbelievable" things they cut out. Not sure what it all means, but he is the nicest guy ever and I hold his opinion pretty high... which means I think I will see them (after reading, of course).

Btw... you guys read up on Stieg? Sounds like a crazy character... possibly from his own book.