Thursday, November 6, 2008

Twilight-Stephanie Meyers

I'm not really recommending this as what to read next, but have any of your kids started reading the Stephanie Meyer's series? The first book is Twilight that's coming out as a movie on November 21. Mary Rollins read the first two in the last 5 days and literally was reading them every free moment that she the car on the way to school, sitting in the bathroom (said it was the only quiet place in the house), walking around eating breakfast. The books are being called the "new Harry Potter." My dad and I both read the first two and I liked them okay, Stephanie Meyer's no J.K. Rowling but the second book was better than the first. Anyway, I just wondered if your children had read them and what you all thought if you'd read them too?


isabug said...

Your poll is closed so I can't vote! Have my mom and sister been added? I think that they might also like this blog.

I haven't read Twilight, but MR send me a message about it. Too bad its not an S&S book or I could just pick one up. I'll look into getting a copy so that I can comment.

Peddie said...

Yeah! Open the poll back up! Also, it excites me that there are fast books out there to read. I am interested, even though I thought I wouldn't read them (funny how all I had to hear is MR asking, and all of the sudden, I don't want to be left behind).

I vote for the "I have no time to read/go to lunch..." one!

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Well, I have now finished the first three books as had MR and she is now on to the fourth. They've really grown on me -- they feel young in a way that HP never did but they've gotten better as they've progressed and the plot more involved. It lacks the masterful blend of intrigue and storytelling that JK Rowling does (will I forever compare all juvenile fiction now with HP??) You all should read them solely for the ability to be able to have informed conversations with youth today...which was the chief reason I started reading HP way back in Barbados!

Peddie said... that really when you started reading it? I remember re-reading them in 'british' english... of course, only three were out at that point, I believe.

I see no problem comparing all literature to HP. It is the times, and it's our times!

Peddie said...

I also was about to post that you need a better name (Auntie Buffaloni?) but then remembered that your name is also on the Realty blog... heehee.

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

Yes, Isa I read HP in British :-) I understood it anyway what with having been an English major and all. I guess you could say British is my second language. I read the last four HP books in American...(Okay that whole Flight of the Conchords Middle Earth video with Mel speaking in Elvish just flashed in my mind and is cracking me up. Can we all speak New Zealandish now from watching that? And, Isabelle, you and Gus are my favorite leggy blondes, btw)

Claire, do you think I need a better name, or the blog needs a better name. It might be hard changing my name after 42 years...

isabug said...

Oh, I love being compared to Gus! ( I am serious too!) He is such a good doggy doggy.

I like Aunt Buffaloni or whatever you all call each other! Your real estate clients might not... who knows though!

Peddie said...


Aw, I love those leggy blonds... I think that nobody is funnier that you, Aunt Gwenda, and you, Isabelle. Will is pretty funny sometimes too though ;)

It doesn't matter on the name... but do your clients really not call you "Buffaloni"?

Gwen Williamson Mathews said...

It is true that no one but Claire ever refers to me as Buffaloni. Which, btw, I still think is an excellent Scrabble word but still (damn it) does not appear in even the newest edition of the Scrabble dictionary. I checked. However, even after spending two weeks last summer in the land of wild meat jerky I could not find buffaloni on a single grocery shelf so perhaps the Scrabble editors are justified in not including it. We did find buffalo and elk summer sausages but alas no buffaloni. And so I await the creation of buffaloni as well as the opportunity to play that again as a Scrabble word. Gee, I hope none of the non-relative readers of this blog are following this far into our comments. I'm not totally sure of blog etiquette but I think we might be getting too familial/personal and very far away from the subject of what to read next.

isabug said...

i google'd buffaloni and nothing showed up, so you may be right.

Peddie said...

Yes... we should probably make a disclaimer type of thing on every blog we make though, that no one should feel afraid of butting into all our personal commenting. I'm often afraid people get scared of us.


Also, I facebook searched "gwen mathews" and only got 6 results, one of which was actually "Welcome Break, Hopwood Park," and "buffaloni" got only 1 with "Yaqub Al-Buffaloni" (from Buffalo, NY) so... actually I don't know what any of that means. I just wanted to look I was really impressed that buffaloni had something. Claire Selby has 83 results ;(